07 October 2012

We have livestock

Unless you count the bees, which technically are leased rather than owned, we have only had the neighbour's stock on our property.  Dion Maclean grazes his sheep and occasionally a few cattle on our land.

Last Tuesday (2 Oct) we acquired our first animals.

Beryl is a Barred Rock bantam.  The 8 chicks are all thoroughbred Orpingtons, but Beryl doesn't know that.  Nor does she care.  She incubated the eggs and looks after the chicks as if they were her own.  Like a mother hen, in fact! 

The chick at the front is a "blue" Orpington.  Looks grey to me.

After 5 days all 9 are well settled in.  They have to be kept in a cage because at this age the chicks are easy prey for hawks and stoats.  And possibly rats, too.  When fully grown they should be able to look after themselves and will range free in the orchard.  Except perhaps against falcons.  So we will keep one rooster.  The experts tell us they are the best lookouts.

Lovely grub.  The chick crumble is supplemented by silver beet from the garden and an occasional worm.